Wednesday, June 16, 2010


my brain is everywhere sometimes. just floating around, observing things from the outside looking in. sometimes sleepy. sometimes over-thinking. sometimes wanting to hold tightly to everything around me. sometimes pondering. sometimes peaceful, giddy, excited, loving, living. sometimes worrying, fixing, problem solving, needing to find a solution. and sometimes, thinking back on what's happened days and weeks and months and years before now and finally getting it. finally understanding why, finally having an answer, finally learning.
when that happens it's like all the mist clears away and the sun comes out. and then i need to write it down before i forget. i sometimes wonder if God wired me this way, and why. or maybe i'm just a little bit crazy. it seems tiring sometimes. but i know i need to let myself jump into God's arms and rest there. he would be like my anchor. i need that. to abide in him.

oh june, i want to enjoy your moments. there is a very handsome wonderful wildly amazing so-and-so who is coming to visit at the end of these two weeks. but i have to remind myself not to just float on by the waiting. there is much to reap.

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