Monday, April 5, 2010


the world mourned Your death, and now it shouts from the rooftops at your resurrection. and now, grace. life is crystal clear and washed clean and somehow fresh and new this easter monday.
the boys left for home this morning. i have not felt so loved as when i saw them four days ago in the lobby downstairs after driving 20 hours to come see me. i have not laughed so much in a long long time-- just doing dumb things that siblings do. i have not felt so blessed as i do now, to have the best friends in them that i have.
amidst all the stress and chaos of the end of the semester-- ah! a weekend of peace, love, rest. and joy. such joy.
praise God from whom all blessings flow
praise him all creatures here below
praise him above you heavenly host
praise father, son, and holy ghost.
can i hear an amen?


  1. okay. AMEN!

    I'm so glad you had a lovely time with your family. So glad.

  2. and all God's people said...AMEN!
