Wednesday, April 28, 2010


enter: foaming grande hazelnut latte (no whip this time. i said "with whip" three times but the barista didn't hear me so i took it as a sign that i should cut back on my intake of sugar.)
i am at the calgary international airport, and there is a grand snowstorm outside. if it wasn't april i would be thrilled. i like snow. but today, it makes things feel wrong. it feels like i'm coming home for christmas, not summer break.
so now the school year is over. i spent the last few days trying to pack my life into some boxes to store away until autumn returns. figuratively and literally. it's always tough.
it is a good thing, i think, that i'm ocd sometimes and prepare things ahead of time. in this case, it is packing. this afternoon i had everything ready to go for my flight home when i heard that my flight was canceled due to said snowstorm and that i had to leave in half an hour to catch the last flight out of bc. sheesh! panic. the thought of frantically running out the door with hurried goodbyes and tears and oh no! i didn't have lunch, and oh no! tia's not back! and oh no! i will only have half a second to say goodbye to brad, and ugh! this is not going well...
but, i am here in calgary so there must be a happy ending to this story.
well, kind of. i found a flight out of vancouver. i didn't get to say farewell to tgc. but i did spend some quality time at yvr with b-rad before dashing off toward the next four months on the prairies without him.
i am excited to go back. but it is bittersweet at the same time.
now, i am waiting for my flight (leaves in half an hour), and people-watching (there is a tanned man to my right, wearing a shirt almost the same color as his skin), and snow-watching (still feels like christmas), and hoping that my family will like my new TOMS (because i think they're rad).

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