Tuesday, September 7, 2010


a great deal of things have led up to this moment. some may call it fate i suppose. i'm not sure what it is, but i'm going to tell you about it.
recently, b-rad and i have been talking about living in the moment, being grateful for the present time, and not always wishing that something else were happening at some other time. we've also been discussing the freedom of detatchment from material things. it's all a part of not worrying about tomorrow, kind of like the sparrows that luke talks about in his gospel. now is the time. and so, this is the beginning of my story, but strangely also the ending.
but not yet. there's more. i recently had the pleasure of spending time with a delightful irishman. this led my roommate and i to explore our skills of using the irish dialect in our own home. last night we talked irish and played cribbage and laughed in irish, told irish jokes, and that night i dreamed in irish and in the morning my thoughts were irish too.
today, as i was reclining on our new furniture, my cellphone fell into my cup of tea. in spite of my quick hands and frantic prayers, it had refused to show a spark of life.
what does this all have to do with anything?
i was hoping you'd ask.
first of all, though i no longer have as immediate of a connection with the outside world through my telephone, i am not nearly as worried about it as i imagined myself to be. see paragraph 1: detachment and living in the moment.
second, our irish friend has a penchant for reminding us that the birds of the air neither reap nor sow, but God is taking care of them. point taken. see paragraph 1 again.
third, everything does seem a bit brighter and more cheerful when it is done in irish. give it a whirl and you'll see what I mean.
all this to say, if your cellphone dies, it's not the end of the world.
and, remember the birds and that worrying doesn't add a second to your life span. and then say it over again in an irish accent and see if it doesn't make you feel better.


  1. Somehow I misplaced your blog address...but in going through all our old emails from a year ago I happened upon the address. Wonders! I love you and your simple wisdom girl. You delight. You radiate. And gosh...that's one of my all time favorite Bible passages...about the sparrows. And Irish...well...we know how I feel about that. :)
